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Eritrea: Special Rapporteur Onu Keetharuth, ”Do not turn your back” to people fleeing the regime


Asmara, Oct 30 16:07 – (Agenzia Nova) – United Nations Special Rapporteur for Eritrea, Sheila Keetharuth, reiterated the need to ”not turn” the Eritrean people who continue to escape the repressive regime of Asmara .

In a hearing held yesterday before the UN Human Rights Committee at the UN General Assembly, Keetharuth denounced that Eritrean citizens ”continue to suffer frequent violent human rights” and in thousands continue to flee the country. ”I appeal to the international community because it does not turn away from Eritrean refugees to get short-term political gains from populist electoral promises,” said the UN official, cited by the Horn Diplomat news site.

Keetharuth then expressed concern over the absence of a constitution in the country since independence from Ethiopia in 1993, which has led to frequent abuse of power by the state.

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