Home The News A prisoner Dawit Isaak gets UNESCO prize

A prisoner Dawit Isaak gets UNESCO prize


The imprisoned Swedish journalist Dawit Isaak receive Unesco press freedom prize.

Since 2001 is the Swedish journalist Dawit Isaak imprisoned in Eritrea, one of the world’s most repressive countries. Isaak was arrested after the Eritrean government claimed that he posed a threat to national security, analysts believe, however, that the arrest is due to Isaak noticed a group of Eritrean politicians demanding democratic reforms.

It was the organization Reporters without Borders nominated Isaak at the price when the detention is a flagrant violation of international conventions.

They hope that the price will give renewed attention to the case, which will hopefully lead to a release.

– Reporters Without Borders is of course very pleased that UNESCO chose to pay attention to Dawit. For more than 15 years, Dawit has been imprisoned without having had a trial. World is backing Dawit and Eritrea must correct his mistake, said Jonathan Lundqvist, president of Reporters Without Borders.

Dawit Isaaks family has been informed about the price and hope that it also reaches him.

– Today I shed a tear of joy. I am indescribably grateful and proud to be this man’s daughter. His burning passion for me and many today a driving force, joy and inspiration. As a father, he showed us the power and the meaning of reconciliation, forgiveness and free dialogue. I’m sure he’s still in his thoughts, lives for just the principle, says Bethlehem Isaak, daughter of Dawit

– Obviously this is pleasing in the midst of this misery that Dawit is in. To get this recognition strengthens hopefully him if he against all expectations, one would know it. All that year after year continues to struggle to take the credit. Without you as my brother would be the set of all political prisoners in Eritrea, says Esayas Isaak Dawit’s brother.

The prize is awarded on Press Freedom Day on May 3 at UNESCO events in the Indonesian capital Jakarta.



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