Home The News European Parliament’s resolution on Eritrea – full text

European Parliament’s resolution on Eritrea – full text

On Thursday, 6 July 2017, the European Parliament passed an important resolution on the EU’s relations with Eritrea.
It highlight – once again – the human rights abuses of the Eritrean government, including the detention of Abune Antonios and the journalist Dawit Isaak. But the resolution went further to make key demands on the EU. The resolution:
  1. Denounced the resumption of major EU aid to Eritrea and in particular the signing off of the NIP for Eritrea of EUR 200 million
  2. Demanded action to halt the 2% tax
  3. Urged an end to the forcible return of Eritreans – refoulment.
  4. Supported the work of the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights
  5. Demanded that the Commission obtain guarantees from the Eritrean Government that it will implement democratic reforms and ensure respect for human rights
…and much more.
Full text below. Martin


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