Home The News ደሓን ደኣ እተዉ You Tube

ደሓን ደኣ እተዉ You Tube


ደሓን ደኣ እተዉ You Tube። ገለ ኤርትራውያን ተቃለስቲ ኢና ዝብሉ ገንዘርብ ኢምእረር ኢዩ እንተበሉምስ ያኢ ንገንዘብ ክብሉ ንኽንደ ንጹሃት ተጻቢኦሞምዮም። ንውጹዕ ህዝቦም ኢሎ ዝቃለሱ ኣንጻር ውልቀ መላኺ ብሰንኪ እዞም ሃርፋናት ገንዘብ ኣብ You Tube ዝተሰቕለ ኣንጻር ኢሰያሳዊ ጉጅለ ደርፍታት ኢኹን ፊልምታት እዚ ማተሪያል ናህናዩ እንዳበሉ ናብ You Tube እንዳኸሰሱ ንናይ ደለይቲ ፍትሒ You Tube ክደይ ዘየዕጸዉ። ደሓን ደኣ እተዉ You Tube። እኖሆ ሓድሽ ሓበሬታ ናይ You Tube ኣምብብዎ።

Today we are introducing changes to YouTube Partner Program (YPP). Our goal is still to keep YPP open for as many channels as possible, but we understand that more tools are needed to protect creator revenue across YouTube.


According to the new eligibility requirements presented today, the YouTube channel is not eligible for revenue generation. It does not meet the new limit of 4,000 hours viewing time in the last 12 months and 1,000 subscribers. This means that the channel will no longer be able to access the monetization tools and features of YouTube’s Partner Program. The amendment will enter into force on February 20, 2018, unless you reach this limit within the next 30 days. Because the current terms of the YouTube Partner Program expire in 30 days (from today’s date).



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