Home Archive Justice, vacationing Eritreans eye

Justice, vacationing Eritreans eye


justitie-houdt-vakantievierende-eritreeers-in-gatenEritreans seeking asylum in the Netherlands have applied for but also go on holiday to Eritrea this summer extra monitored by the Ministry of Security and Justice.
How the control will look exactly out, is not known. Secretary Klaas Dijkhoff said earlier in the House that the Ministry together with the IND and the Royal Military Constabulary looks at how big the problem is precisely ”then by grabbing”.

”If someone can demonstrably safe return to Eritrea, there is no reason to grant a residence permit,” replied Dijkhoff parliament.

human rights
There are many Eritreans fled to the Netherlands. The country is poor and human rights are there under pressure. The Human Rights Commission of the United Nations concluded last month that Eritrea is guilty of crimes against humanity.

That Eritreans are fleeing to the Netherlands for the regime but go back for holidays, calls according to experts in De Telegraaf question marks.

The results of the control of the Ministry shared this autumn.



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